Welcome to Adopt A Plot Bunny! I created Passion On The Page as well (http://passiononthepage.blogspot.com/), a blog where I'll put up writing challenges to help out aspiring writers.
Adopt A Plot Bunny is all about ideas. You have a plot you can't use? Bring it here. Put it in a comment, make a response blog and link me to it, your choice. I'm expecting you to go way out :)
Your ideas may even make it as part of a challenge on Passion On The Page!
Some plot bunny pics I've siphoned off Google Images:
Yeah, also go do NaNoWriMo: http://www.nanowrimo.org/
They're not all evil, no sweat :)
So I stole the name off a friends project on a writing site. But damn, it's awesome. I'll give her credit, no worries. Here was her original description. Much better than mine, I can tell you:
"Have you ever compared a story plot to a . . . bunny? NO? Yeah, I didn't think so. But I have.
When you first think of a plot it's cute, it's innocent, it's your new baby. Much like a new pet bunny would be right? You love it and you take care of it; just like a bunny. And just like a bunny, it grows, it changes, and it leaves a mess.
Well do you know what else plots have in common with bunnies? THEY MULTIPLY! AND MULTIPLY!!!
As writers I think a lot of us have the problem of having so many great ideas that we just don't know what to do with ourselves. We see all these adorable Plot Bunnies and want to write about them all, but don't know who should get the better of our attention. It's a total suckfest. Believe me, I know. Currently I have a head full of rabid plot bunnies and it is no picnic.
Eventually it's going to get pretty crowded in your brain; I mean, you only have room for so many plot bunnies. But what do you do with the ones that have to be evicted? I mean, it's a bunny, you don't want to just kill it and put into a stew. No, you want someone else to love it as much as you did. That's where this project comes in.
This project was made specifically so that you can leave your unwanted plot bunny for someone else to adopt. =)"